
Lavender Pond Farm is ‘Phenomenal’


Lavender Pond Farm is ‘Phenomenal’


Now before you think we’re getting too big for our pots, when we say we’re Phenomenal, we mean that in the most literal context and with a capital P. You see, one of our “workhorse” plants on our Connecticut lavender farm is Lavandula x intermedia ‘Phenomenal’. Discovered by Lloyd and Candy Traven of Peace Tree Farm in Pennsylvania, this new cultivar was named a Must-Grow Perennial for 2013 by Better Homes and Gardens.

‘Phenomenal’ is an interspecific intermedia type lavender with a mounding shape, uniform growth, and prolific flowering. One of its greatest attributes is the foliage does not die back from the base of the plant as is often observed with other hardy lavenders; instead the foliage remains thick and full throughout the plant. It also branches strongly and evenly, providing a full appearance.

‘Phenomenal’ has outstanding garden performance and grows well in sunny locations throughout USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8. It has shown tolerance to extreme heat and humidity. All lavender prefers locations with average to slightly dry soils and does not tolerate wet soils. At maturity, ‘Phenomenal’ reaches 24 to 32 inches tall by 24 to 32 inches wide. In mid June, it produces an elegant display of fragrant, purple-blue flower spikes above the silvery mounds. The silvery foliage, excellent oil content, and elegant flower presentation make ‘Phenomenal’ an excellent ornamental landscape plant.

We can personally attest to its hardiness, as it was one of our best performing (surviving!) plants this cold Connecticut winter. As importantly, we source our ‘Phenomenal’ directly from Peace Tree Farm, a USDA organically certified farm, so you can be assured that these plants were grown in an environmentally sustainable fashion. 

We’ve heard from many of our customers that they’ve had difficulties growing lavender in the past. We’ll have limited quantities of ‘Phenomenal’ available for sale this spring at the farm and suggest you give this great new cultivar a chance.

See you at the farm!

(Some text and images courtesy of Peace Tree Farm. Thanks Guys!)


By Lavender Pond Farm