** We're celebrating our award with a Free Shipping Sale March 17 - 24 **
We were ecstatic to learn that Yankee Magazine has named Lavender Pond Farm one of the five best flower farms in New England. Featured in their March 2019 issue, we join farms from Maine, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
Founded in 1935, Covering classic New England travel destinations, food traditions and home and lifestyle stories with stunning photography and artwork, Yankee has featured many notable American writers in its pages such as Robert Frost, John Updike and Stephen King. With a total circulation of nearly 300,000 and a total audience of 1.8 million readers. Yankee’s sister publication is The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the nation’s oldest continuously produced periodical.
This is quite an honor for our family, farm and friends. Lavender Pond Farm was born with the simple premise of doing our small part to live the words of Miss Rumphius and do and help make the world a more beautiful place. As we enter just our fifth season of growing this beautiful, sometimes quirky flower we are humbled by just how much of an impact Lavender Pond Farm has had on our family, community and state. While it hasn’t always been easy, it has certainly been a labor of love and one we have enjoyed sharing with all of you.
As you make your summertime plans, we hope you’ll consider visiting not just Lavender Pond Farm, but all the wonderful flower farms on their list.
You can read the full article here and yes, our farm was the feature image for the article :-)
Think Spring!