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Celebrating Breast Cancer Survivors at Lavender Pond Farm

Posted by Lavender Pond Farm on
Celebrating Breast Cancer Survivors at Lavender Pond Farm

** Our October 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser is complete. Thank you to all those that participated and planted a flag in our "Field of Strength." We raised $300 and matched that amount so $600 has been split equally to both Middlesex Hospital and Smilow Cancer Center.**

If you’ve followed our story you know that the fight against cancer is something that is very near and dear to our hearts. Breast Cancer Awareness Month begins October 1 and aims to raise awareness about the disease and raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.

While there has been a 39% decline in breast cancer mortality from 1989 to 2015 (Yeah!!!), there is still much work to be done.

In 2018, The American Cancer Society estimates there will be:

  •  266,120 new cases of invasive breast cancer
  •  40,920 breast cancer deaths

Lavender Pond Farm is proud to announce we are launching a month long fundraiser to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as recognize and celebrate the amazing survivors of and courageous fighters against breast cancer.

During the month of October we will have a few special Breast Cancer Awareness themed items available in the shoppe and online that include a pink flag. We’re encouraging people to write (or we will write for online orders) a personal message on the flag and place it in our “Field of Strength.”

Our goal is to create a lit 60 x 30 pink ribbon in the center of our lavender field. This Field of Strength will carry the personal messages of all those impacted by this rotten disease and celebrate the more than 3.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. today.

Flags can be purchased separately for $10 or included with your purchase of our breast cancer themed items. Lavender Pond Farm will donate $10 from every breast cancer item purchased and 100% of all individual flag purchases to the Smilow Cancer Hospital - Yale New Haven Health and the Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center. The donation will be made at the end of the month and split equally between both hospitals.

If you’re local be sure to visit our Field of Strength during the month of October to see our progress and if you’re not local, we promise to post lots of pictures on Facebook throughout the month. Be sure to Like our page!

Items are available now in our farm shoppe and online. Thank you for your support!